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Grace Dispensationalism

Hyperdispensationalism | Mid-Acts Dispensationalism

Lesson Author Date File

Intro with the Bible's dispensations

Wallace, Steven 2021.08.01



Are there two gospels? What are some consequences of Grace Dispensationalism Wallace, Steven 2021.08.01 mp3, pptx
Why was Paul thankful that hedid not baptize the Corinthians? Did Paul preach a different message than Peter regarding salvation? Wallace, Steven 2021.08.15 record error,pptx
Revelation And Creation PowerPoint and Audio Material


Does Galatians 2:7 affirm there are two gospels? Did Paul preach a different gospel than Peter? Consequences of the grace dispensational movement are given.  

Notice is given to some irrefutable facts that fly in the face of Grace Dispensationalism.

  1. The fact that Paul preached the kingdom to the Ephesians (Acts 20:25) and yet wrote about the church as the body of Christ (Eph. 1:2223). The kingdom = the church = the body of Christ.
  2. Paul identified that we are transferred into the kingdom (Col. 1:13). He also wrote that the church is the body of Christ Col. 1:1824. The kingdom of the Son = the church = the body of Christ. 
  3. Paul "now" preaches "the faith" which he "once" tried to destroy (Gal. 1:2223). This faith was held by the churches of Judea. Paul's faith that he preached = the faith that the Jewish Christian believed!
  4. The Gospels (at least Mark, Luke, and John) were written after the church began with a Gentile audience in mind or these qualifying statements are rendered redundant (see Mk. 7:3Lk. 23:51Jn. 6:419:40).
  5. The mystery of the gospel was not given to Paul "alone," but to all the apostles (Eph. 3:5). 
  6. Apollos came to Ephesus and preached to the Jews (Acts 18:24-26). He needed to be instructed in the way of God more accurately. When he desired to go to Achaia, the brethren at Ephesus wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him. The Christians at Ephesus obviously approved his preaching. When he arrived in Achaia, he greatly helped those who believed through grace (Acts 18:27). How? he vigorously refuted the Jews publically showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ (Acts 18:28). What is the conclusion: The believers through grace were benefited from a preacher who vigorously addressed the Jews. Neither the disciples at Ephesus or Corinth saw two different gospels!
  7. Paul wrote that he and Apollos were ministers in the same field and that Paul had planted while Apollos had watered (1 Cor. 3:5-9). What is the conclusion? Neither Paul nor Apollos understood there were two different gospels but both preached the same thing. They didn't know there were two different kinds of churches for they worked in the same "field" and "building." They were one.
  8. If Paul's gospel were in content different from the other apostles, then why did he try to join the church at Jerusalem and then did join, going in and coming out (Acts 9:26-s8)?
  9. Paul baptized some disciples at Ephesus in "the name of the Lord" (Acts 19:45). Luke who wrote this book defined that baptism "in the name of the Lord" is found in "water immersion" (Acts 10:4748). Therefore the Ephesians were baptized with water and not the Holy Spirit (cf. Eph. 5:26with the washing of water by the word). Since there is only "one baptism" (Eph. 4:5), water baptism is that ONE BAPTISM.



"Overcome Evil with Good"

Two builders build houses. Two lives are lived. One falls in the storm while the other one stands. What is the difference?



"The Syro-Phoenician Woman"

An old exhortation needs to be fresh in our daily activities--continue in the faith!


How To Call On The Lord To Be Saved?

It is a phrase which is often stated but one that is unlikely explained. You must "call on the name of the Lord" to be saved. But what does it mean? How do we call on the name of the Lord today?


This command was also unclear to many of the Jews in the first century. The apostle Peter was preaching the gospel to thousands on the day of Pentecost wherein he quoted from the prophet Joel, "And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).

After he testified against their deeds and after he gave irrefutable proof that Jesus was the Christ, the people were pierced to the heart and asked a very important question, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" (Acts 2:37). If they knew "how to call on the name of the Lord, they would not have asked, "what shall we do?"

To keep reading, click here!

The Plan of Salvation

Have you obeyed the gospel? Is the gospel to be obeyed and if so, what is required? We know the gospel is to be obeyed because Paul said of our Lord’s second coming,

“in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 1:8).

To keep reading, click here!

How To Study The Bible

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